What Are The Different Types Of Wastewater Treatment Methods In The Textile Industry?


The treatment of wastewater in textile industry is as important as it is any other chemical manufacturing industry because the wastewater released by textile industry is chemically induced and thus, damaging in nature. There is significant need of wastewater treatment in textile industries because the textile industry generates a large amount of wastewater, which often contains a variety of contaminants and pollutants such as dyes, chemicals, suspended solids, and organic matter. And the treatment of wastewater is essential to prevent environmental pollution and comply with rule and regulations.

Different methods of wastewater treatment in the Textile

There are various methods which are used for textile wastewater treatment, and the process and methods of treatment of the wastewater depends upon the need of the industry and these needs may vary from one place to another. Well, we have suggested few widely used and recognised methods which are as follows.

Physicochemical wastewater treatment

  • Floatation: One of the easiest methods followed for the purpose of treatment of wastewater is floatation. In this method the wastewater or pollutants such as oil or other floatable material is separated and removed from the water, but there is a drawback in this process that it could not be used in all types of pollutants.
  • Coagulation flocculation sedimentation: The coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation are three different process used to treat the water. In coagulation the charges get neutralized and destabilizing the colliding particles whereas in flocculation the destabilized particles get clubbed together to make a flocks and in the process of sedimentation the solid waste gets settled down in the bottom of the treatment plant.
  • Adsorption: In the process of adsorption the activated carbon and other adsorbents used to capture the organic pollutants, dyes, and other chemicals from the wastewater.

Secondary Treatment:

  • Activated Sludge Process: It is a biological process in which the microorganisms are used to break down the organic pollutants in the presence of oxygen.
  • Trickling Filters: The trickling filters or the trickling process can be defined as one of the biological process which separates or degrade the most of organic and inorganic waste form the raw sludge, it does have the accuracy of almost 85%.

Advanced Treatment:

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO): The treatment of water by way of reverse osmosis process is generally not used for the purpose of water treatment in textile industries. The reverse osmosis process is used in those places where there is some need to treat the wastewater in advanced stages for reuse.
  • Electrocoagulation: As the name suggest the process of electrocoagulation involves the use of electricity for the purpose of treatment of wastewater. In this electrical energy to destabilize and remove contaminants from wastewater, including suspended solids, dyes, and heavy metals.
  • Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD): ZLD is an advanced approach and the aim of ZLD is to recover and reuse the water as much as possible from textile industry wastewater. It involves a combination of various treatment methods to minimize the discharge of wastewater.
  1. Biological Treatment:
  • Anaerobic biological treatment process: The anaerobic biological treatment process involve the degradation of organic matter with and without the presence of oxygen, respectively
  • Constructed Wetlands: The biological degradation has been used as the way for treating the water and in textile industries the wastewater can be treated by constructing the wetland. In wetlands as wastewater flows through a system of wetland plants and substrates, it facilitate the biological degradation and filtration.
  • Phytoremediation: In simple terms the phytoremediation is the use of green plants or microorganism to clean the pollutant present in the wastewater.

Well, the above mentioned process and methods are widely recognised and used. The mentioned methods of treating the wastewater is used as per the varying needs, different textile industries use these methods as per their requirements and needs. Well, you can use any of the method of treating the wastewater which is suitable for your textile industry or you can also determine the method on the basis of utility or scope.

WE, Trity Environ Solution are the Noida based wastewater plant manufacturer, we use to make various plants for the treatment of wastewater, such as the effluent water treatment plant and sewage treatment plant. We have made our reputation in market as one of the best manufacturer of wastewater treatment plant, our services has been proved remarkable and we are the most trusted brand of water treatment plant manufacturing industry. Well, if you want any assistance or any help in setting-up of the water treatment plant than make sure to contact us, we will help you throughout your plant establishment and even after that we will stand for you for queries and problems. So, make a call to us on +91-9821030072 and email us at enquiry@trityenviro.com

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