The reverse osmosis is the process to purify the water by removing the harmful pollutants and chemical composition from water. The RO system is used in domestic, as well as, commercial purposes, many commercial setups selling packaged drinking water and beverages use the RO setups to produce clean water. Well, in commercial setups the amount or gallon of water produced is essential, litres of produced water decides the profitability and loss of the plant thus, to find, regulate and determine the same, the GPD system was founded.
What is GPD in Commercial RO plants?
In Commercial Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants, GPD stands for "Gallons Per Day" and even some use to call it reverse osmosis calculation. The GPD is a measurement unit used by commercial RO plants to assess the gallon of water produced which a commercial RO system can produce in particular day. Every RO plants uses the GPD setup for the same purpose of finding out the output of the gallon of water.
For example, if a Commercial RO plant has a GPD rating of 1,000 GPD, it means that, while running an RO plant continuously for a 24-hour period, it can produce up to 1,000 gallons of purified water per day. The rating of the commercial units is very important for commercial RO plants to determine the amount of water that they can produce in a particular day, it is crucial to determine also for the purpose of finding the utility of the plant.
How to calculate GPD in Commercial RO plants?
Gallon per day is the unit to determine the volume of water an RO Plant can produce in a day, and to determine the same you need to make observation of your RO plant by using these further steps and then by using the same observation you can find the GPD rate of your RO plant.
- Collect Data: First step begins with the calculation of the basic data which will include the feed water flow rate, the recovery rate, and the numbers of hours in which a RO plant remain operating.
- Determine the Feed Water Flow Rate (FWR): Second step is to determine the feed water flow rate, which in simple term is the rate at which water enters the RO system. And while measuring FWE, it should be kept in mind that it get measured in gallons per minute and if you have the flow rate in litres per minute, you can convert it to GPM by dividing it by 3.78541, because 1 gallon is approximately 3.78541 litres. Well, every RO plants have certain difference in water flow rate but you need to find that what is the ideal flow rate in water filters and if the flow rate in your plant defer too much from the ideal rate, than you should take mechanical support.
- Calculate Recovery Rate: The recovery rate is the percentage of water which is received after purification as a pure water from the RO membrane. The calculation of Recovery Rate is essential to determine the percent in which a RO plant is purifying the water, you can calculate the Recovery Rate by using this formula:- Recovery Rate (%) = (Permeate Flow Rate / Feed Water Flow Rate) x 100.
- Determine the Operating Hours: The determination of the operating hours is easiest among all the observations, for determine the operating hours you need to take notes of the number of hours in a day the RO plant is in operation.
- Calculate GPD: Well, after having all the observations you just need to put all the observations in below given formula and you will find the GPD rate of your RO plant.
GPD = (Permeate Flow Rate in GPM) x (60 minutes per hour) x (Operating Hours per day)
For example, if your RO have Permeate Flow Rate of 10 and your RO plant was operational for about 10 hours in a day than the calculation of GPD will be:-
GPD = 10 x 60 x 10
= 6,000 GPD
WE have discussed the ideal process for the calculation of the GPD in an RO plant, and have suggested you the steps through which you can find GPD of your RO plant without any inconvenience or problem, but despite understanding all above things you need to follow the RO system design guidelines provided by laws, and for any assistance we Trity Environ Solutions stand first for you, just make sure to call or mail us on +91 9821030072 and enquiry@trityenviro.com respectively.