Why Water Reserves in Southern India are Fast Depleting in 2023?


In 2023, the alarming rate at which water reserves in Southern India are depleting has become a matter of urgent concern. This depletion not only threatens the livelihoods of millions but also poses significant environmental risks. In this blog, we delve into the current state of water reserves in the region, exploring the underlying causes and potential solutions.


Southern India, known for its diverse climatic zones and rich water resources, has historically been a region with abundant water. However, recent years have witnessed a worrying trend of declining water levels in reservoirs, rivers, and groundwater sources.

Current Water Levels

To understand the severity of the situation, let’s look at the current water levels in key cities:

City Water Source Current Level Comparison (Previous Year)
Chennai Chembarambakkam Reservoir 45% 60%
Bengaluru Cauvery River 38% 55%
Hyderabad Hussain Sagar Lake 50% 65%
Coimbatore Bhavani River 40% 58%

Data is indicative and for illustrative purposes.

Causes of Depletion

Several factors contribute to this critical situation:

  • Climate Change: Altered rainfall patterns have led to prolonged droughts in some areas and floods in others.
  • Over-extraction of Groundwater: Excessive borewell drilling for agricultural and urban needs is depleting groundwater.
  • Pollution: Industrial and domestic waste has contaminated many water bodies.
  • Urbanization: Concrete landscapes prevent natural water recharge.

Case Studies

In Chennai, the 2019 water crisis served as a wake-up call about the dire state of water management. Bengaluru, once known for its numerous lakes, now grapples with water scarcity due to unchecked urban sprawl.

Role of Trity Environ Solutions

Trity Environ Solutions, an organization committed to sustainable water management, plays a pivotal role in addressing these challenges. Their initiatives include rainwater harvesting projects, community awareness programs, and technology-driven solutions for water conservation.

Solutions and Recommendations

To combat water scarcity, we must adopt a multi-faceted approach:

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Encourage rainwater collection and storage.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Promote water-efficient irrigation techniques.
  • Policy Reform: Implement regulations for groundwater extraction and pollution control.
  • Community Involvement: Raise awareness about water conservation.


The depletion of water reserves in Southern India is a crisis that demands immediate attention. Sustainable water management practices, community involvement, and effective policy implementation are imperative to safeguard our water future.
